Autor(in) | Titel | Betreuer (in) | erschienen |
Nguyen, Chuong Thach | Probabilistic Models of Protein Conformational Changes | Habeck | 2020 |
Kramlinger, Peter | Essays on Inference in Linear Mixed Models | Krivobokova | 2020 |
Kulaitis, Gytis | A Statistical Model of Microscope Resolution | Munk | 2020 |
Richter, Robin | Cartoon-Residual Image Decompositions with Application in Fingerprint Recognition | Huckemann | 2019 |
Del Alamo, Miguel | Multiscale total variation estimators for regression and inverse problems | Munk | 2019 |
Schneider, Laura | Discrete Parameter Estimation for Rare Events: From Binomial to Extreme Value Distributions | Krivobokova | 2019 |
Schrieber, Jörn | Algorithms for Optimal Transport and Wasserstein Distances | Schuhmacher | 2019 |
Hobert, Anne | Semiparametric Estimation of Drift, Rotation and Scaling in Sparse Sequential Dynamic Imaging: Asymptotic theory and an application in nanoscale fluorescence microscopy | Munk | 2019 |
Stampfer, Kilian | The Generalized Operator Based Prony Method | Huckemann | 2019 |
Tameling, Carla | Empirical Optimal Transport on Discrete Spaces: Limit Theorems, Distributional Bounds and Applications | Munk | 2018 |
König, Claudia | Multiscale Scanning in Higher Dimensions: Limit theory, statistical consequences and an application in STED microscopy | Werner | 2018 |
Mach, Tibor | Dualities and genealogies in stochastic population models | Sturm | 2017 |
Behr, Merle | Finite Alphabet Blind Separation | Munk | 2017 |
Diehn, Manuel | Inference in inhomogeneous hidden Markov models with application to ion channel data | Munk | 2017 |
Pein, Florian | Heterogeneous Multiscale Change-Point Inference and its Application to Ion Channel Recordings | Munk | 2017 |
Sommerfeld, Max | Wasserstein Distance on Finite Space: Statistical Inference and Algorithms | Munk | 2017 |
Kück, Fabian | Convergence Rates in Dynamic Network Models | Schuhmacher | 2017 |
Guo, Qinghai | Multiscale Change-point Segmentation: Beyond Step Functions | Munk | 2017 |
Heuer, Benjamin | Convergence of the genealogy of the spatial Cannings model | Sturm | 2016 |
Telschow, Fabian | Equivariant Functional Shape Analysis in SO(3) with Applications to Gait Analysis | Huckemann | 2016 |
Singer, Marco | Partial Least Square for Serially Dependent Data | Krivobokova | 2016 |
Rosales Marticorena, Francisco | Empirical Bayes Smoothing Splines with Correlated Errors: Methods and Applications | Krivobokova | 2016 |
Hartmann, Alexander | Estimating rigid motion in sparse sequential dynamic imaging: with application to nanoscale fluorescence microscopy | Munk | 2016 |
Joubert, Paul | A Bayesian approach to initial model inference in cryo-electron microscopy | Habeck | 2016 |
Li, Housen | Variational Estimators in Statistical Multiscale Analysis | Munk | 2016 |
Thai, Duy Hoang | Fourier and Variational Based Approaches for Fingerprint Segmentation | Munk | 2015 |
Brink-Spalink, Rebekka | Stochastic Models in Population Genetics: The Impact of Selection and Recombination | Sturm | 2015 |
Sabel, Till | Simultaneous Confidence Statements about the Diffusion Coefficient of an Ito-Process with Application to Spot Volatility Estimation | Munk | 2014 |
Sieling, Hannes | Statistical Multiscale Segmentation: Inference, Algorithms and Applications | Munk | 2014 |
Stucki, Kaspar | Invariance properties and approximation results for point processes | Schuhmacher | 2013 |
Strokorb, Kirstin | Characterization and construction of max-stable processes | Krajina | 2013 |
Engelke, Sebastian | Brown-Resnick Processes: Analysis, Inference and Generalizations | Schlather | 2013 |
Malinowski, Alexander | Financial Models of Interaction Based on Marked Point Processes and Gaussian Fields | Schlather | 2013 |
Tams, Benjamin | Cryptanalysis of the Fuzzy Vault for Fingerprints: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures | Mihailescu | 2013 |
Rippl, Thomas | Pathwise Uniqueness of the Stochastic Heat Equation with Hölder continuous diffusion coefficient and colored noise | Sturm | 2013 |
Schwarz, Katsiaryna | A unified framework for spline estimators | Krivobokova | 2013 |
Kombrink, Karola | Ein semiparametrisches Verfahren zur Planung und Auswertung von Nichtunterlegenheitsstudien im Cox-Modell | Munk | 2012 |
Wiesenfarth, Manuel | Estimation and Inference in Special Nonparametric Models with Applications to Topics in Development Economics | Krivobokova | 2012 |
Gottschlich, Carsten | Fingerprint Growth Prediction, Image Preprocessing and Multi-level Judgment Aggregation | Munk | 2011 |
Schmidt-Hieber, Anselm Johannes | Nonparametric Methods in Spot Volatility Estimation | Munk | 2011 |
Frick, Sophie | Change point estimation in noisy Hammerstein integral equations | Munk | 2010 |
Marnitz, Philipp | Statistical Multiresolution Estimatiors in Linear Inverse Problems - Foundations and Algorithmic Aspects | Munk | 2010 |
Janßen, Anja | On some Connections between Light Tails, Regular Variation and Extremes | Schlather | 2010 |
Mielke, Matthias | Maximum Likelihood Theory for Retention of Effect Non-Inferiority Trials | Munk | 2010 |
Dannemann, Jörn | Inference for Hidden Markov Models and related Models | Munk | 2010 |
Scheuerer, Michael | A Comparison of Models and Methods for Spatial Interpolation in Statistics and Numerical Analysis | Schlather | 2009 |
Mieloch, Krzysztof | Hierarchically linked extended features for fingerprint processing | Munk | 5/2008 |
Wübker, Achim | L2-spectral-theory for Markov operators | Denker | 1/2008 |
Janicke, Nico | Bipower-variation bei Finanzmarktdaten mit unregelmaessigen Beobachtungsabstaenden | Woerner | 1/2008 |
Langovoy, Mikhail
| Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests | Munk | 7/2007 |
Schnellen, Marina | Analysis of Implied Volatility Surfaces | Munk | 5/2007 |
Hotz, Thomas | Modelling and Analysing Orientation Fields of Fingerprints | Munk | 7/2007 |
Kabluchko, Zakhar | Extreme-Value Analysis of Self-Normalized Increments | Denker | 4/2007 |
Abujarad, Mohammed | Beschreibung der Fluktuation von Zuwächsen für U-Statistiken | Denker | 1/2007 |
Valeinis, Janis | Confidence bands for structural relationship models | Munk | 1/2007 |
Matic, Rada | Estimation Problems Related to Random Matrix Ensembles | Denker | 7/2006 |
Boysen, Leif | Jump estimation for noisy blurred step functions | Munk | 5/2006 |
Bulla, Ingo | Existenz und Eindeutigkeit von Lösungen linearer elliptischer stochastischer Differentialgleichungen mit distributivem Quellterm | Hering | 2005 |
Min, Aleksey | Limit theorems for statistical functionals with applications to dimension estimation | Denker | 6/2004 |
Holzmann, Hajo | Some remarks on the central limit theorem for stationary Markov processes | Denker | 4/2004 |
Rey, Denise | The informal order in ranked set sampling experiments | Denker | 2004 |
Sobieczky, Florian | Zur Anzahl der Zusammenhangskomponenten von Urbildern stationärer, ergodischer Felder | Hering | 2004 |
Skipka, Guido | The Likelihood Ratio Test for Order Restricted Hypotheses in Non-Inferiority Trials | Munk | 5/2003 |
Stadlbauer, Manuel | The Bowen-Series Map for some free groups | Denker | 6/2002 |
Siemer, Alexander | Die statistische Auswertung von ordinalen Daten bei 2 Zeitpunkten und 2 Stichproben | Brunner | 4/2002 |
Md. Shahi dul Islam | Non-linear Age-time Dependent Population Dynamics | Denker | 3/2002 |
Kulle, Bettina | Nichtparametrische Cross-Over-Verfahren | Brunner | 1/2002 |
Schmitt, Oliver | Remarks on the Generator-Problem | Denker | 11/2001 |
Fan, Zhaozhi | Estimation problems for distributions with heavy tails | Denker | 5/2001 |
Domhof, Sebastian | Nichtparametrische relative Effekte | Brunner | 5/2001 |
Roy, Mario | On Gibbs Families for Fibrewise Expansive Systems | Denker | 11/2000 |
Franke, Brice | Heat Content Inequalities for Diffusions on Manifolds | Hering | 11/2000 |
Müller, Armin | Stochastische parabolische partielle Differentialgleichungen und optimale Impulskontrolle | Hering | 11/2000 |
Koch, Susanne | Konstruktion eines Poissonrandes für Halbgruppen | Denker | 11/2000 |
Bathke, Arne | Die Hoeffding-Zerlegung in Linearen Modellen | Denker | 11/2000 |
Besold, Paul | Solutions to Stochastic Partial Differential Equations as Elements of Tensor Product Spaces | Hering | 5/2000 |
Imai, Atsushi | Pentakun, the mod 5 Markov chain and a Martin boundary | Denker | 5/2000 |
Wekeck, Steffen | Über eine alternative Totalauszahlung für stochastische Spiele | Krengel | 11/1999 |
Schwarzwäller, Wolfgang | Eigenschaften der Filtrationen Brownscher Bewegungen auf Mannigfaltigkeiten | Hering | 11/1999 |
Keßeböhmer, Marc | Multifraktale und Asymptotiken großer Deviationen | Denker | 6/1999 |
Pralle, Lars | Mehrstichproben-Statistiken unter Störungen | Denker | 11/1998 |
Hamann, Annette | Methoden zur Stabilisierung von Dimensionsschätzungen | Denker | 11/1998 |
Wittich, Olaf | Eine Invarianzeigenschaft Brownscher Bewegung und Transformationen der Feynman-Kac-Formel | Hering | 6/1997 |
Rheinländer, Jörg | Charakterisierung der Generatoren dynamischer Halbgruppen | Hering | 6/1997 |