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Titel der Arbeit
Gabor, D. 1965 Information Theory in Electron Microscopy Laboratory Investigation Vol. 14, No. 6 801807 Gatu, C., Yanev, P. and Kontoghiorghes, E. J. 2007 A Graph Approach to Generate All Possible Regresssion Submodels Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 52, No. 2 799-815 Ghosh, S. K. and Norris, J. L. 2005 Bayesian Capture-Recapture Analysis and Model Selection Allowing for Heterogeneity and Behavioral Effects Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics Vol.10, No. 1 35-49 Gilboa, G. 2008 Nonlinear Scale-Space with Spatially Varying Stopping Time IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Vol. 30, No. 12 2175-2187 Godtliebsen, F., Marron, J. S. and Chaudhuri, P. 2002 Significance in Scale Space for Bivariate Density Estimation Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11 1-21 Granlud, G. H. 1972 Fourier Preprocessing for Hand Print Recognition IEEE Transactions on Computers C-21 195-201
Pia Weibelzahl
Prof. Dr. Tatyana Krivobokova