Zeitschriften online (Liste des Instituts)
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Print-Version an UB
Advances in Applied Mathematics nein ja ab 1980 Advances in Applied Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Advances in Statistical Analysis ja ab 2004 American Mathematical Monthly ja, FMAG ja 1894-2002 American Statistician ja ja ab 2001 Ann. l´Institut H. Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Ann. l´Institut H. Poincaré (C) Non Linear Analysis nein ja ab 1997 Annals of Applied Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1991 Annals of Combinatorics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Annals of Mathematical Statistics ja, FMAG ja 1930-1972 Annals of Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1973 Annals of Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1973 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics ja, FMAG ja 1997-2009 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis nein ja 1985-1999 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry nein ja ab 1999 Astin Bulletin ja ja ab 1985 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics nein ja ab 1997 Australian Mathematical Society Gazette nein ja ab 1995 Austrian Journal of Statistics nein ja ab 1996
Pia Weibelzahl
Prof. Dr. Tatyana Krivobokova Ändern (nur mit Passwort)